Companies often elect --
or are forced -- to make major changes
in their operations, strategy, markets, products, and/or technology due to internal or
external factors such as:
Acquisitions, mergers,
• Changes in ownership or
• Poor financial performance
• Changes in the marketplace
• New (e.g. foreign)
• Erosion of markets or product
• Decreasing market share due
to competitor innovation, cost
reduction, price/performance, new features, or service
• New technologies
• Changes in the basis of
• Loss of key personnel
• Ramifications of cost cutting
• Economic, legislated, or
other business climate changes
TRILLENNIUM's Transformational Management
Program enables your management team
to define their business
purpose and the company's current state and articulate where it
would like be. We then formulate understandable Big Picture views to help
you develop action-oriented
plans which take the best minimum risk trajectory to achieve your strategic
transformational goals.
financially oriented analysis and planning approach
which considers the current market,
product, and technological position and existing operations. The key factor for mission
success demands a realistic understanding of the resource constraints and assessment of
the capabilities and experience of the organization.
Quite often, in-place management and
key personnel are too close to the day-to-day operations,
the company, and the industry, to step back and take a broad
inter-industry, cross departmental, multidisciplinary view of the
current state and the available options. In addition, departmental,
divisional, or other political concerns may dominate during times of
transition, just when companies require unbiased, objective thinking and
the perspective of a constructive Devil's Advocate. |